Wednesday, January 30, 2013
I thought that learning about diversity and cultures was interesting today. Something that I found particular interest in, however, was how any social scientist can "study" a culture, but doing so has its negative aspects and its benefits. We can really never assume that we know what a culture is if we have not participated in it, and that statistical studies are often just that: statistics. A particular culture or family structure cannot be placed under a wide label or stereotype. I also thought it was neat how learning a culture can help one interact peaceably within cultures and can help communication. It'll be fascinating to see how ties between cultural boundaries and diversity changes and impacts a family. Does conducting these studies enable social scientists to be able to notice how trends and patterns in cultures can improve families or be detrimental to them? How much do internal issues within a family change the culture of a group? I can't wait to see how all these things tie together.
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