Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
I struggle when I hear the world's take on the battle between feminism and masculinity. I really have enjoyed discussing gender roles in class this week. Something that was amazing to me that I loved was how on Monday, we used the Proclamation to the Family as a reference in our discussion. In the world's arena of debate on this topic, the Proclamation to the Family is irrelevant. What I struggle with as I hear others talk about gender roles is that they don't understand that being a mother and taking care of the family isn't worthless and it doesn't hold a woman back from reaching her fullest capacity. As we've been discussing this in class, I've really enjoyed how we have shared our opinions of how "gender roles" are okay in some instances, and that being female and male has been part of our identity for all eternity. We have been discussing that males and females each add to the strengths that the other lacks, and I feel like in the world, people feel like men and women must be completely "equal" and the same, rather than embracing the roles each of us play. As we've talked about gender roles in class, I just feel like I want to sigh with relief. I feel like in our class, we as Latter-Day Saints are able to discuss gender roles with the knowledge of our worth as sons and daughters of Heavenly Father and we understand the uniqueness of our genders. It's really wonderful to talk about this topic peacefully.